Do I get to pick my coach?

Yes! As our rosters do fill up we will do our best to accommodate your choice of coach. Sarah, Hilary or Aaron will be designing your week to week schedule and collaborating on the other aspects of your training including a long term plan, general strength & conditioning (more detailed strength options available from Hilary based on package) and race/adventure planning and strategy.

I’ve never run an ultra/obstacle race before, will you work with me?


I’m recovering from an injury, should I start coaching?

It depends. Please reach out to us to see if it’s a good time to start training or to continue PT and rehab (Hilary’s expertise) before starting. We’re here to get you running healthy and happy.

Can you help with nutrition guidance?

It depends. While neither of us are a registered dietician we do have access to one (Sarah’s Mom) and we can help you with training and race day nutrition recommendations.

I’d like to gift a month of coaching services to family/friend.

How generous! Reach out to us via email and we’ll get the ball rolling!